Our organization

About Smart 180 Youth Education Organization

Founded in 2019 as a registered Not-for-Profit organization, Smart 180 has been striving to offer various assistance to Chinese immigrants and their descendants to better integrate into the society. We have established more than 30+ Wechat groups, with over 5000 families following us, categorized by distinct topics, to share information and experiences. By facilitating a smoother integration, SMART 180 has been making a positive impact in the Chinese Community and leading more Chinese to success.

SMART 180 青少年教育中心(简称SMART 180)是 2019 年成立并注册于安省的非营利机构。主要致力于几个方面:

  • 关注服务对象包括家长和孩子的自我成长并提供积极帮助;

  • 帮助华裔家长更好地引领孩子并与孩子共同进步;

  • 通过各种方式帮助下一代在学业及社会服务方面更加杰出。 

Our Core Values/价值观 

  • Honest

  • Integrity

  • Resourceful

  • Respectful

  • Responsible

asn 2017 award winners